- Sadaka
- SAFE! Support for Young People Affected By Crime
- Safer Future Communities – Thames Valley
- Salvation Army (Willow House)
- Salvation Army Reading Central
- Salvation Army Reading West Corps
- Sanctuary Hosting
- Sandham Memorial Chapel
- Sangam Lunch Club
- SARC Reading
- Saturday Morning Orchestra
- Save Lives International (SLI)
- Save the Children
- Saving Tribal Peoples
- School Governor’s One-Stop Shop (SGOSS)
- Scope
- Sebastian’s Action Trust
- Self Management UK
- Self-Organised Learning
- SEND Voices Wokingham
- Seventh Day Adventist Reading Angaza (Swahilli speaking)
- Shahjalal Bangladesh Islamic Cultural Association
- Shalom Evangelical Ministries
- Shantideva Buddhist Centre
- Shaw Trust
- ShelterBox
- Shift Youth and Community (SYC)
- Shinfield Cricket Club
- Shinfield Players Theatre
- Shinfield Rangers FC
- Single Parents Support Group
- Siri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara
- Small Charities Coalition
- Small Silence
- Smart Works Reading
- Society of St. Vincent dePaul
- Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Families Association (SSAFA)
- Sonning Common Village Hall
- Soul Sisters
- Source Young Peoples Drug & Alcohol Service
- South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- South Oxfordshire Food and Education Alliance (SOFEA)
- South Reading CCG
- South Reading Over 50s Social Club
- South Reading Patient Voice
- South Sudanese Association in Reading
- Southcote Community Association
- Southcote GrowAllot
- Southcote Information Technology Experience
- Southeast Communities Rail Partnership (SCRP) CIC
- Southern Housing Group
- SOVA Thames Valley Project
- Spaceship Earth
- SPARK Educare Learning Centre
- Speakability
- Speakers’ Corner Reading
- Spinal Injuries Association
- Spirit Enterprise
- Sport in Mind
- Spotlight on Diversity
- Spotlight UK
- St Andrews Pre-School
- St Barnabas Emmer Green Church of England
- St Birinus Church
- St Catherine of Siena Church of England
- St Catherine’s Pre-School
- St James Church of England
- St John & St Stephen’s Church of England
- St John Ambulance
- St John the Baptist Church of England
- St John the Evangelist Church of England
- St John’s and St Stephen’s Contact Centre
- St Laurence Church
- St Luke with St Bartholomew Church of England Reading
- St Lukes Trust (Berkshire)
- St Michael’s Church of England
- St Mungo’s
- St Nicolas Church of England
- St Peter’s Church of England, Caversham
- St Vincent & The Grenadines and Friends Association (Reading)
- St.Michael’s Primary School
- Starting Point Mentoring
- Stay-Awhile Club (Caversham)
- Step by Step
- Step Forward Education and Training Trust
- Stepping Forward UK
- Stepping Stones (Trinity Day Centre)
- Stepping Stones Preschool
- Strathaven Asthmatic Relief Action UK (SARA)
- Stroke Association
- Style Acre
- Sue Ryder Shop (Caversham)
- Sue Ryder Shop (Henley on Thames)
- Sue Ryder Shop (Oxford Road)
- Sue Ryder Shop (Shinfield)
- Sue Ryder Shop (The Meadway)
- Sue Ryder Shop (Tilehurst)
- Sue Ryder Shop (Woodley)
- Sue Ryder, Berkshire West
- Sue Ryder-Duchess of Kent Hospice