Stroke Association

Phone this organisation
0118 321 9349
Phone this organisation (Mobile)
07515 597597
0303 3033 100

Every five minutes someone in the UK has a stroke. The Stroke Association is the only national charity solely concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages. Our vision is to have a world where there are fewer strokes and all those touched by stroke get the help they need. Our mission is to prevent strokes, and reduce their effect through providing services, campaigning, education and research.

We have two local peer-support groups which provide a chance for stroke survivors and carers to meet each other and enjoy a range of activities. The groups are also a place where carers can support each other and have time to chat and talk about any concerns they have. The Reading Stroke Support Group meets in South Reading and the Tilehurst Stroke Support Group meets in Tilehurst.

For dates and times of local meetings please see

Type of organisation
Voluntary organisation
Primary interest
Main activity
Health general
Chronic conditionsMobility impairmentPhysical disabilitiesVisual impairmentYoung adults (16-25 years)AdultsOlder people
Area of activity
Charity number
Registered company number
RVA member

Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified