RNIB is the leading charity in the UK offering practical and emotional support to anyone touched by sight loss.
The charity offers practical support, advice and information to around 2 million people in the UK suffering from sight difficulties, helping to make sure they receive the right support, as and when it is needed.
Together with Action for Blind People, who joined in partnership in 2009, the RNIB Group is now able to reach more blind and partially sighted people then ever before and is able to make a real difference locally, delivering services across the UK.
In order for this to continue however, we need the continual support of the local community to help drive forward the charity and enable us to continue to reach as many blind and partially sighted people as we can.
Everyday around 100 people in the UK begin to lose their sight. With your help and support, we need to make sure these people are fully supported and can go on to live fulfilling and independent lives.