Our aim is the promotion and advancement of the science and practice of horticulture.
We have two principal activities. During the winter we have meetings, which take the form of a series of lectures held on alternate Wednesday evenings. Secondly we have visits to gardens and nurseries, which are held principally in summer months. Two plant sales are held each year and a newsletter is issued three times per annum.
The gardeners’ club meets at the Caversham Heights Methodist Church Hall, 74 Highmoor Road, Caversham RG4 7BG. Meetings start at 7.45pm Refreshments available from 7.15pm. Meetings are held fortnightly.
Subscriptions/membership: Cally Jenkins Seal Lodge Simms Lane, Mortimer RG7 2JP callyjenkins47@gmail.com 0118 933 1075
Everything else: Mr Tennant Barber ‘Ashfield’ Kiln Lane Mortimer RG7 3PN hsecretaryrgc@gmail.com 0118 933 3075.