National Autistic Society (NAS) West Berkshire

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The National Autistic Society is here to transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people.

We transform lives by providing support, information and practical advice for the 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK, as well as their three million family members and carers. Since 1962, autistic people have turned to us at key moments or challenging times in their lives, be it getting a diagnosis, going to school or finding work.

We change attitudes by improving public understanding of autism and the difficulties many autistic people face. We also work closely with businesses, local authorities and government to help them provide more autism-friendly spaces, deliver better services and improve laws.

The NAS West Berkshire Branch provides speaker evenings, social clubs for children and young people, family holiday activities, a newsletter, local lobbying and a range of weekly and monthly activities. Please make contact for an up to date newsletter to find out more. It covers West Berkshire but has members from other local areas – and is always on the lookout for volunteers for the committee!

Type of organisation
Primary interest
Main activity
Entertainment and socialising
Disability (any or all)
Area of activity
West Berkshire
Parent organisation
Charity number
RVA member
Not specified
Not specified

Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified