Licensed Trade Charity

Phone this organisation
01344 898550
Phone this organisation (Mobile)
0808 8010550

Pubs and Breweries have been at the hub of British communities for centuries. Throughout this time, the Licensed Trade Charity has played an important role looking after those working in the industry, and will continue to do so as long as needed.

We are devoted to looking after people in the licensed drinks trade, providing support and care when they need it. Our mission is to equip people to be self-reliant, to provide them with the right guidance, and if necessary offer financial support, to help them get back on their feet, and on with their lives again.

The Licensed Trade Charity provides advice and assistance to those who have worked in the Licensed Trade. Our web site provides access to information, an advice line and at times we can provide financial assistance to those in need.

When someone applies for assistance from the Charity we have a team of Volunteer Visitors who go out to visit beneficiaries in their homes and make an assessment of their circumstances. This assessment is used to help decide the best form of assistance to enable that person to get back on their feet.

We have also recently launched a new Telephone Befriending Service to reach those who may have become socially isolated through relocation, bereavement or retirement from the trade, for example. The Telephone Befrienders are also volunteers who make regular friendship calls to a number of befriendees.

The Licensed Trade Charity also runs 3 Schools: LVS Ascot, LVS Hassocks and LVS Oxford which helps to fund the charity side of things. We can provide educational grants and bursaries in certain circumstances.

Type of organisation
Voluntary organisation
Primary interest
Communities of interest
Main activity
Not specified
Area of activity
Charity number
RVA member
Not specified

Address line 1
Licensed Trade Charity Heatherley
Address line 2
London Road
Is this location wheelchair accessible?
Not specified