Together in Mission (TiM) is the working name of the charity.
TiM provides opportunities to serve our local communities, and we want to do much more as we grow.
TiM is a local charitable initiative, working within the area of West Berkshire and north Hampshire, to encourage volunteering and to build stronger communities through our projects and services.
We have identified a number of key needs in our communities, and have mobilised over 60 regular volunteers, passionate to make a difference. We work with all age groups, inclusively, and with a range of partners.
How we started
TiM was born out of a concern of local Christians to become more involved in their local communities. It was set up in 2007 and carried out a large household survey in 2010 to identify what local people felt would be of most benefit; a fun day, a community cafe, something for older and more isolated people, those with special needs, better provision for younger people, better information and signposting to sources of help. Helping with these needs, especially when people face difficult economic challenges and in the face of cut backs in the statutory sector, have become our “mission”.
Although a Christian charity, we work for the benefit of all, regardless of background, faith, or ethnicity.