Strategies and research

This section includes resources that you might find helpful when planning your services and applying for funding. It is becoming increasingly important for voluntary and community groups to demonstrate how their services seek to address needs within local communities.  Understanding the priorities of commissioners can be a good starting point.

If you would like further information, or can suggest other resources to add to this page please email




NHS England – Five Year Forward View and General Practice Forward View

Published in October 2014, the 5YFV sets out a new shared vision for the future of the NHS based around the new models of care. It has been developed by the partner organisations that deliver and oversee health and care services including Care Quality Commission, Public Health England and NHS Improvement (previously Monitor and National Trust Development Authority).

Patient groups, clinicians and independent experts have also provided their advice to create a collective view of how the health service needs to change over the next five years if it is to close the widening gaps in the health of the population, quality of care and the funding of services.

South Reading Clinical Commissioning Group publications including local commissioning plans and intentions and the Berkshire West CCG Strategic Plan 2014/19.

North and West Reading Clinical Commissioning publications including local commissioning plans and intentions.

Reading Borough Council strategies and policies including climate change strategy, neighbourhood strategy and market position statement.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The JSNA is a local assessment of the current and future health, social care and wellbeing needs of the local population in Reading. It also looks at a wider range of factors that help shape the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and local communities such as education, employment and the environment.

The JSNA uses data and evidence to highlight needs of the whole community. It is a key source of information which is used by the Health and Wellbeing Board to agree the priorities that will inform the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

You can download headline information by ward or topic e.g. carers, diabetes or end of life.

Berkshire Community Foundation Vital Signs

Berkshire’s Vital Signs report is a community ‘health-check’ that identifies our county’s hidden needs and priorities.  The report enables us to identify the priority issues that present the most significant challenges and opportunities for change

King’s Fund – a recent report on the Health benefits of gardening



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