RVA supports local charities and voluntary groups to achieve good governance so that their activities can be conducted legally, sustainably, and in a way that capitalises on the strengths of local individuals to make a difference in the community.
Published here is a range of tools for Boards and individual trustees and committee members to use to inform and develop their practice.
Contact us on 0118 937 2273 or email advice@rva.org.uk.
All the information is for guidance purposes only – please seek specialist advice if you have a particular issue to resolve.
- ‘It’s your decision’ guide
This Charity Commission guidance explains the principles that charity trustees should apply when making important decisions affecting their charity. Trustees have to make decisions all the time. Making decisions need not be daunting. As this guidance explains, following these good practice principles will help trustees to make sound decisions and fulfil their legal responsibilities.
- Board readiness questionnaire
When your board of trustees is identifying areas of work that signify the need for new recruitment, it is very valuable to determine how ready, or open, the board is to being inclusive and diverse in order to respond better to the organisation’s and the community’s needs. Conducting this self-assessment exercise will alert the team to the issues that might need to be addressed.
- Charitable Companies and CICs – Are you PSC compliant?
All charitable companies and CICs must comply with the new regulations to list Persons of Significant Control (PSC). This article explains what a PSC is and what information you need to file at the Companies House.
- Good Governance: a code for the voluntary sector
Practical guidance for all trustees as to how to carry out their duties. The website contains the full code, a summary version as well as a range of useful resources based around the code. This is a very useful resource that can help develop you and your board.
- HMRC update – common reporting standards
The HMRC deadline for reporting on Common Reporting Standards (CRS) is 31 May, this includes some qualifying charities. This factsheet provides introductory guidance to charities to identify whether you qualify as a ‘financial institution’ and what you need to do to comply with HMRC reporting for CRS.
- How to become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Assocation)
A guide for existing unincorporated associations who want to change to an incorporated structure of a CIO. What are the benefits, what do you need to plan for and how do you go about changing your structure?
- How to protect your charity from cyber attacks
As we approach the holiday season, it is completely natural that staff and volunteers may be feeling tired and juggling end of year duties. It may be far from our minds, but it is also worth remembering that charities are still vulnerable to cyber attacks, especially at this time, and to be extra vigilant about any unusual request for personal data or financial transactions requested via email correspondence. If in doubt, always check with individuals through separate channels, such as calling the person on a number you already have for ...
- Knowhow Nonprofit
NCVO provide a great resource covering a range areas relevant to trusteeship and running a charity. This includes policy guidance, checklists and online tutorials. Much of the content is free although some items require NCVO membership or one-off payment.
- New Charity Commission 5-minute guides for trustees
The Charity Commission have launched their new 5-minute guides as part of Trustees’ Week 2020. These are designed as simple, easy to understand guides, designed to help trustees run their charities in line with the law. The new guides cover five key aspects of charity governance – a ‘core syllabus’ covering the basics that the regulator expects all trustees to be aware of. They explain the basics of: financial oversight achieving a charity’s purposes good decision making addressing conflicts of interest what to file with the Commission and what support is available You may wish to add ...
- Reserves Calculator from the Wise Owl Partnership
This FREE Reserves Calculator from the Wise Owl Partnership will guide you through the steps required for setting a reserves policy using a risk based approach. It takes into account all the factors set out in the Charity Commission’s guidance (CC19) and helps you to work out the amount or range of reserves needed for your charity.
- Safe and Sound
Safe and Sound is an aid to give Reading’s charities the confidence they have reached a basic level of good governance. It can be used to highlight any gaps in your group’s composition and procedures. There’s a self-assessment booklet available to ensure you’ve asked those important questions, as well as the option to request more scrutiny from RVA and to get the official Safe and Sound mark for your organisation.
- The Essential Trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do
The Charity Commission’s main guidance for trustees provides a very good overview of what is expected from the role and a summary of trustee duties. This is recommended reading for all trustees.
- Trustee induction pack checklist
This table includes the items you MUST include to provide the basis of a suitable trustee induction pack and a checklist from which you can select those extra things relevant to your organisation.
- Trustee role descriptions
This document sets out the duties and responsibilities of all members of charity trustee boards, including those taking on the specific roles of chair, treasurer and secretary.
- Trustee Welcome Pack
A short guide from the Charity Commission to assist new and existing trustees to understand their role.
- Updated guidance for preparing your charity’s Annual Return
Background All registered charities with a gross annual income above £10,000 need to submit an Annual Return to the Charity Commission every year. This is normally filed around the same time as your Annual Accounts and must be filed within 10 months from the end of your financial year. For example: if your financial year ends on the 31 March each year, then you must file your Annual Return (and Annual Accounts) by 31 January the following year. If you are unsure, please check on your Charity Commission listing what you have ...