The information listed will provide the essential things you need to know and actions to take for your group or charity to be a good employer. Do contact us if you require advice on how to develop practices to reflect the requirements of your organisation or project. You might also wish to view some of the contents of our Policies & procedures page as part of your organisational review or planning as well as investigating the resources viable on the People section of Knowhow Nonprofit.
Contact us on 0118 937 2273 or email
All the information is for guidance purposes only – please seek specialist advice if you have a particular issue to resolve.
- Developing Staff and Managing Performance for Quality and Success
Achieve mutual benefit for your organisation and staff with a sound performance management and development framework.
- Employer’s Health Check
A check list of areas to consider, for which you must develop sound policies and procedures as an employer.
- Employing for the first time: things to think about
Written for small voluntary and community groups embarking on this exciting but daunting process.
- Employment Law changes from 6 April 2020
Further to last year’s Taylor Review and the Good Work Plan, new employment legislation comes into force today, Monday 6 April 2020. The changes include: Parental bereavement leave and pay; Written statement of employment particulars to be issued from day one of employment and must now also include: the days the employee or worker must work and if and how their hours or days can change; any probation period, including its conditions and how long it is; holiday and holiday pay, including an explanation of how its calculated if the employee or worker leaves; training that ...
- Guide to Employment Policies
A comprehensive guide to the essentials and desirables to help develop your policy framework.
- Guide to successful recruitment
Navigate the complexities of recruiting new staff from devising the role, advertising and selection to making an offer of employment.
- Induction and probation
Recruitment done, some less intensive, but no less important input is still required to get your new employee started.
- Legal update: Holiday calculations and zero hours or part year contracts
The government has published updated guidance on holiday entitlements: Holiday entitlement updated guidance, November 2019 Holiday entitlement calculator For organisations who engage zero hours and/or part year workers, the recent case of Harper v Brazil Trust EAT (2018) has determined that there is a risk of underpayments when using the using the ‘12.07% of hours worked’ rule when calculating holiday entitlement. The correct approach is the statutory calculation: that holiday pay should be based on normal remuneration averaged over the previous 12 weeks of work (this will increase to 52 weeks from April ...
- Managing and remedying poor performance effectively
The foundations for dealing with poor staff performance promptly and effectively.
- New process maps from ACAS to help you navigate workplace changes
As the country is slowly easing out of lockdown, many organisations are cautiously and gradually returning to the workplace or planning to do so. If you are a charity or voluntary group that employs individuals, then the trustees are employers in law. For help with mapping out a process and ensuring the board thinks through all the stages, take a look at the following free process maps from ACAS below. These three process maps are interactive resources, which signpost some recommended actions and further guidance that is available. Returning to the ...
- Self-employed or a worker? Lessons from the Pimlico case
Does your charity contract for services from someone who is described as self-employed? If so, then you may need to review your arrangements and check whether the individual is truly self-employed or you are treating them as a worker. If it is the latter, then they could have worker or even employment rights due to them, that your charity is not meeting. The Pimlico Case The Supreme Court (the highest court in the country) made a ruling in the Pimlico case last week that Mr Smith (a plumber), who was identified on paper ...
- Terms and Conditions of Employment – ACAS
Downloadable Word template to help you decide and set out what you are going to offer staff by way of pay and other benefits right at the start.
- Terms and Conditions of Employment – Knowhow Nonprofit
A more detailed template to that leads you through relevant clauses and provides options for employers
- Trustee tools: Improve your knowledge on pension schemes
As part of Trustees’ Week 2021 we are sharing some helpful resources for you to improve your skills on your Board/Committee. The Pensions Regulator has put together free online learning programme, called the Trustee Toolkit, which is designed to help trustees better understand pension schemes. There are 11 learning modules: five core modules aimed at all trustees, four aimed at trustees of Defined Benefit (DB) schemes and two aimed at trustees of Defined Contribution (DC) schemes. The modules are broken down into smaller scenarios that follow the board of a DB scheme with ...
- Useful Templates (managing, hiring, disciplinary) – ACAS
Useful HR templates including person specifications, appraisal forms and disciplinary letters