This week the Government announced their updated Roadmap for Summer 2021 indicating that we may be moving to Step 4 from the 19 July 2021. Further announcements are still awaited. These will be shared when available but do continue to check the website regularly.
Many of the restrictions will be lifted (as detailed in the guidance below) but the government has advised that organisations should continue to follow the principles set out in the working safely guidance. Whilst the government is no longer instructing people to work from home if they can, a gradual return is recommended. They are also still encouraging individuals to wear face masks in crowded areas, taking extra care in close proximity settings, the continued need for cleaning and ventilation, and continuing to use the test and trace QR codes in venues.
Employers and organisations still carry a duty of care for their staff, volunteers and those who access services under Health and Safety Law. Therefore organisations should continue to risk assess their services and put appropriate measures in place to reduce the risk, and continue to consider what is a safe way of delivering their services at this transition point.
Resources and support:
- Updated Government Roadmap for Summer 2021
- Updated Government Guidance: How to stay safe and help prevent the spread from 19 July
- Our previous slides on how to complete Covid Risk Assessments
- If you would like advice or support for your charity, please contact Herjeet at
- If you would like advice on how to inclusively reintroduce your services, please contact