As part of Trustees’ Week 2021 we are sharing some helpful resources for you to improve your skills on your Board/Committee.
The Pensions Regulator has put together free online learning programme, called the Trustee Toolkit, which is designed to help trustees better understand pension schemes.
There are 11 learning modules: five core modules aimed at all trustees, four aimed at trustees of Defined Benefit (DB) schemes and two aimed at trustees of Defined Contribution (DC) schemes.
The modules are broken down into smaller scenarios that follow the board of a DB scheme with a DC section as they govern the scheme and attend trustee meetings, dealing with issues, meeting advisers and communicating with members along the way.
As you work through the scenarios you will take part in trustee discussions as a member of the board and your knowledge will be tested through ‘decision point’ questions. Depending on your answer you may be directed to technical tutorials to learn more about the topic such as risk management and internal controls, default investment options for DC schemes or recovery plans for DB schemes.
Each module has an assessment to test your knowledge which, if passed, is added to your development record. You can download and share your development record as proof of your achievements.