The purpose of this survey is to ask residents their views about crime and disorder and other local issues, to help identify priorities across Reading. The Safer Neighbourhood Forums are required to consult on priorities with a community safety focus every 2 years.
Why your views matter
This community safety survey is being carried out across Reading to inform our neighbourhood working and local safer neighbourhood forums to find out what issues residents consider to be their highest priority at present. Whilst we will look at all issues raised in this survey in order to compare local concerns to previous consultations, we will not be able to impact on all of them and issues such as pot holes and parking may be referred back to the relevant service if there are sufficient concerns.
Feedback from this survey will be looked at in conjunction with the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) priorities for Reading and locally reported crime across the Borough alongside the British Crime Survey and priorities identified by Thames Valley Police. Priorities will then be set accordingly.
How to take part
You can access the survey online, via this page.
Any questions about this survey
Contact the Neighbourhood Initiatives Scheme via 0118 937 4258 or email neighbourhoodinitiatives@reading.gov.uk