Snow day at the vaccine hub

Primary interest
Voluntary sector

The snow on Sunday 23 January presented challenging conditions for the Reading Central and Whitley Vaccination Hub. Volunteers from the charity Re:Act were on standby to help, through the VCS Emergencies Partnership, but weren’t needed in the end. With grit, brooms and spades, RVA volunteers were able to keep the area clear and run the session pretty much as normal through the day.

The photos of volunteers above show: top left – Steve Leitch at the hub car park on Sunday morning; top right – marshals David O’Kelly and Keith Ball at the site entrance; bottom left – Mary Neale and William Westwood; bottom right – David Neale.

William Westwood from RVA said: ‘Lots of hardy souls very determined they weren’t going to let the snow keep them from their appointments. And it was a great response from our volunteers, everyone made it despite the difficult conditions’.

More than 4000 people have been vaccinated over 9 days at the site run by Reading Primary Care Alliance.

Further information
  • We’re linking to sources of information about the vaccine rollout, including translations and answers to frequently asked questions on our vaccine rollout page here. Check the NHS and GOV.UK websites for the most up-to-date information.
  • Follow @rachspencerrva on Twitter for updates from the vaccine hub.