Safer Beginnings Onwards Grants – deadline 24 March 2022

Article date
16 March 2022
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

Safer Beginnings is led by Best Beginnings and White Ribbon Alliance UK and is funded through the Department of Culture, Media and Sport through the Tampon Tax Fund. This fund primarily works to support women and girls across the UK.

Grants are available for organisations working in England, Scotland and Wales with a specialist knowledge of and work with communities of women and girls who are at risk of, or living within, circumstances of violence and harm.

What is the funding eligibility criteria?
  • Open to charities, community interest companies, not for profit groups and grassroots movements who can evidence appropriate financial management, governance and safeguarding controls.
  • Groups supporting nonbinary people are also welcome to apply.
  • Organisations in receipt of funding from DCMS must declare this and highlight that the Safer Beginnings programme will be separate to current funding from them,
  • Safer Beginnings funding cannot be for more than 30% of your last year’s annual turnover.
  • Programmes should support your organisations aims and benefit you in increasing the positive impact your work has or will have for women and girls during pregnancy and/or the early years.
  • To be considered eligible, programmes which include or focus on men, fathers and boys as their primary audience must specify the onward benefit of their outcomes to women and girls.
  • All programmes will be complete by March 2023.
How much can you apply for?

There is a total funding pot of £150,000, split as follows:

  • England Total= £100,000 3 Grants of between £15,000-£40,000
  • Wales Total £25,000= 1-2 Grants of between £10,000-£25,000
  • Scotland Total £25,000= 1-2 Grants of between £10,000-£25,000
How to apply?
  • Applications must be submitted by email to and have the subject line: Submission from [organisation name].
  • Applications must include the following.
    1. Completed Applicant Profile Form (Application Profile Form)
    2. Programme Proposal
    3. Programme Budget
    4. Safeguarding Policy
    5. Most recent filed Annual Accounts
  • Applicants received after the deadline, incomplete applications or expressions of interest that do not meet the specified criteria will not be considered.
  • Please read the full eligibility criteria for applying in: Grant Information Pack
Is there a deadline?
  • Deadline for applications: 10am on 24 March 2022
  • Shortlisted applications notified:  5pm on 1 April 2022
  • Shortlisted applicants Pitch Day: 8 April 2022
  • Public announcement of successful applicants: 25 April 2022
  • Funded projects complete: 31 March 2023
Further information and support:
  • Link to fund: Safer Beginnings Onward Grants.
  • All enquiries regarding the Safer Beginnings grants should be sent to the email address: and be addressed to Kay King- Safer Beginnings- Programme Director.
  • If you would like further support from RVA with submitting a funding application or any support with governance required for your group to get ready for this funding, please email telephone 0118 937 2273 for free and independent support and advice.