Research project for adults with learning disabilities

Article date
11 May 2021
Primary interest
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust are now recruiting to this research project

The Research and Development Department at Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust are working with the University of Warwick to conduct a research study about the psychological treatment of anxiety among people who are older than 18 years and who have mild or moderate learning disabilities. The project will find out more about a psychological technique, called mental imagery, in adults with learning disabilities. They will also look at different mental imagery interventions that are already in use and see if they can be adapted them for adults with learning disabilities.

Get involved

To make sure they are doing good quality research they are asking a group of adults with learning disabilities to work with them and help them make sure the work is accessible. They also want a Stakeholder Group of family members, professionals and other interested people to oversee the project. You can download two leaflets about the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) groups and a poster below.

They are looking for people to join the Stakeholder Group and help them recruit adults with learning disabilities. Please share the leaflet and poster with the members of your organization, and if you have an ongoing online group they would be also happy to introduce this opportunity briefly to the members there. If you would be interested in joining the Stakeholder Group or helping in recruitment, or have any other queries about the project, please get in touch.