Reading Services Guide refresh – your views wanted

Nina Crispin
Author's position
Information & Engagement Officer, Public Health and Wellbeing Team, RBC

Since 2014, the Reading Services Guide has hosted information, advice and guidance on a wide range of topics, as well as listing local services supporting families, children, young people and adults.

This year, we have received approval to refresh the website, this means a new up to date look of the website/directory. We would like to get your views on the proposed refreshed designs of the landing pages of the guide – the Home Page, and the Adult Care landing pages. The aim is to improve users’ experience of accessing and navigating across the site.

We would like to know your views on the proposed designs – please click here to see the new designs and access a short survey to give us your view. The short survey will close on 15 April.

We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please let us know by emailing