Reading Mencap holds double Jubilee celebration

Article date
5 May 2022
Primary interest
Hobbies and Leisure

Reading Mencap is holding an extra special double celebration in June to mark both Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and its 60-year Diamond Anniversary.

Founded in 1962, the charity which supports people with learning disabilities and their families, has been awarded £3,765 from the Arts Council’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund by Berkshire Community Foundation. The grant will enable Reading Mencap to hold a free community jubilee event on Friday 24 June at the Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin in Reading town centre.

The celebratory event, from 7–9.30pm, will include songs from the Reading Mencap’s choir, drama from its Performing Arts Club and presentations and readings from people who use the charity’s services. Progress Theatre, a local theatre group, will be helping to put the event together.

Mandi Smith, CEO of Reading Mencap, said the double celebration marks the achievements and longevity of both our monarch and the charity.

Our event is inspired by this special time in our nation’s history and in our charity’s history. We will be looking back and also looking forward to what is possible in the future. It will also serve to showcase to the wider community the amazing work we do, the services we offer and the needs of those with learning disabilities.

Watching the Reading Mencap choir in a public performance is a wonderful experience as you see everyone singing and moving with energy and enthusiasm! We look forward to welcoming the local community to our event.

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