RBC has identified a Project fund, as one of the Better Care Fund schemes, managed by the Reading Integration Board, and will be made available to fund key priority projects to support the Reading Integration Board programme of Work.
This funding is for activities that prevent crisis, supporting people to avoid hospital admissions or, where an admission occurs, supporting timely hospital discharge back to their normal place of residence, alongside the projects outlined in the key priorities for the Reading Integration Board (RIB) 2023/25, which are listed in the attached guidance document.
Activities to prevent crisis will focus on health and social inequalities, addressing the impact of long-term conditions, supporting people’s well-being in Reading, with a focus on the most deprived neighbourhoods and communities.
The funding is available to support the infrastructure and/or additional capacity needed to expand existing services, deliver services in a different way or to develop new activities.
Who can apply?
The grants are aimed at all provider groups, to support delivery of integration priorities, based in the Reading borough:
- charitable organisations
- voluntary organisations
- community groups
- health care providers
- council providers
How much can you apply for?
Grants of up to £15,000 – which may be increased for joint bids proposing a co-ordinated approach by more than one organisation to support the infrastructure and/or additional capacity needed by organisations to expand existing services, deliver services in a different way or to develop new services. The grant may increase if the bid can demonstrate that it delivers against more than one priority.
What can you spend the money on?
You know your communities best. We want this project fund to support activities that are right for your community but they should be activities that benefit people beyond the life of the project, that are aligned with the key priorities for the Reading Integration Board.
The activities/initiatives should be focused on areas of greatest need. (see Background Information)
Grants will be awarded for purposes such as:
- Local ‘one off’ projects
- Running an event
- Minor start-up costs (get new idea/project ‘off the ground’)
- Purchasing equipment
- Sessional costs
Funding will only be given to a project or activity that addresses an unmet need of Reading residents and is not fully funded or able to be funded through other sources. Applicants will be expected to disclose their other funding sources in the event of a co-funded bid.
Is there a deadline?
Yes, 30 September 2023.
Decisions will made by w/c 23 October 2023.
Further information and support
- RIB Project Grant-Guidance 2023-24
- Project Scoring Matrix 2023-24
- RIB Project Grant – Application Template 2023-24
- RIB Project Grant Monitoring Form 2023_24 v1
- If you have any queries please contact Bev Nicholson, Integration Programme Manager, email: beverley.nicholson@reading.gov.uk / Tel: 0118 937 3643
- If you would like support with getting ready for funding, such as your budget, project idea or policies and procedures that may need to be updated to apply for funding, please contact Herjeet Randhawa, RVA Advice Service Manager at herjeet.randhawa@rva.org.uk or telephone 0118 9372273