Reminder: Reading Covid Support Fund – deadline 5pm on 4 March 2022

Article date
25 January 2022
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

Reading Borough Council has allocated £220k for grants to the voluntary and community sector for the year 2021/22 from the ‘Reading Covid Support Fund’. The funding is available to support the infrastructure and/or additional capacity needed by voluntary and community organisations to expand existing services, deliver services in a different way or to develop new activities.

What are the fund criteria?

The Council is inviting applications for funding that support the following grant criteria:

  • Social Isolation/Mental Health/Emotional support
  • Self-isolation Support (not financial) targeting hard to reach groups
  • Bids supporting carers and children and young people
  • Other Covid-related areas of impact (e.g. financial hardship, physical health)
Who can apply?

The grants programme is aimed at voluntary and community groups and schools based in Reading borough:

  • Charitable organisations
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Community groups
  • Faith groups
  • Sports groups
  • Arts groups
  • Cultural organisations
  • Uniformed groups (scouts, guides etc)
  • Schools
  • Not-for-profit social enterprises
What can you apply for?

Grants of up to £10,000 are available – increased to £20,000 for bids made in partnership proposing a co-ordinated approach by more than one organisation.

How to apply and conditions
  • Applications should be made using the ‘Reading Covid Support Fund 2021/22 Grant Application Form.
  • The funding will be required to be spent by 31 March 2023.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to provide an interim report on their project after 6 months and a full report at the end of the project (12 months).
Is there a deadline?
  • The deadline for applications is Friday 4 March 2022 at 5pm.
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Friday 18 March 2022 at 5pm.
Further information