RBC Reading Health Champions and Vaccine Fund 2022 – deadline 8 July 2022 at 5pm

Article date
23 June 2022
Primary interest
Funding and Fundraising

Reading Borough Council has allocated funding for grants to the voluntary and community sector for the period from June 2022 to October 2022 from the ‘Reading Community Health Champions and Vaccine Programme’. Applications for funding can be made online or in person via an informal chat.

Face-to-face funding application sessions will take place on:
  • Wednesday 29 June at Whitley Community Café, Northumberland Avenue, 12:30pm / 1:00pm / 1:30pm / 2:00pm
  • Thursday 30 June at ACRE’s community Hub, Oxford Road, 10am / 10:30am / 11:00am / 11:30am
What is the funding for?

The funding is to support local residents disproportionately affected by barriers to vaccination and to address health inequalities. The funding can be used to support the infrastructure and/or additional capacity needed by voluntary and community organisations to expand their existing work or to deliver new projects. The Council is inviting applications for funding that support the following grant criteria:

  • Bids to increase or improve existing work with Reading residents disproportionately affected by barriers to vaccination, including Covid-19.
  • Projects to address misinformation about vaccine safety, including Covid-19 and increase trust in / reach of official public health messaging
  • Projects that will support Reading residents to access vaccines such as the Covid-19 vaccine and booster, the flu vaccine and the MMR vaccine
Second Round Reading Health Champions and Vaccine Fund 2022 – Guidance

Could your organisation benefit from a grant and help give a voice to Reading residents disproportionately affected by health inequalities? Local charities, voluntary, community, faith, sport, art, cultural, uniformed (scouts, guides etc) schools and not-for-profit groups, Reading Borough Council want to support your activities. RBC would very much like to receive applications from groups that interact with our seldom heard residents, we need to hear their voices. Grants can be awarded for:

  • Local ‘one off’ and small projects related to health inequalities
  • Running events related to health inequalities
  • Minor start-up costs (e.g. to get a new idea/project ‘off the ground’)
  • Running costs such as hall hire and staff capacity
  • Purchasing equipment for activities related to health inequalities
  • Sessional costs related to health inequalities

This list isn’t exhaustive, if you meet the criteria outlined below, please apply. If your group has applied for a grant before and were unsuccessful please don’t be discouraged, if you meet the grant criteria please apply.

You know your communities best. Your organisation and the relationships you have with residents is important in addressing health inequalities in Reading. By applying for a grant and helping to give seldom heard residents a voice, your work can make a real difference.

Please note, applications for funding can be made online or in person via an informal chat.
Submitting your application online

Submit you application online via the RBC portal Reading Health Champions and Vaccine Fund 2022 Application Form.

Submitting you application in person

RBC want all the community groups in Reading to be able to apply to the fund. If your group would prefer to have an informal chat about your idea or project there are two events at the end of June where you can meet the funding panel and chat about your idea for a project. If the panel thinks your project meets the criteria you will be put forward for consideration for funding. This option is open to all groups wishing to apply. If you are interested please book a 30min slot at one of the sessions above by emailing: Sarah.Hunneman@reading.gov.uk.

Further information