What is the PAMH Partnership?
The PAMH (Physical Activity for Mental Health) Partnership is a group of organisations working in Reading to deliver physical activity and mental health and wellbeing activities to the communities of Reading. The group came together to build on partnerships established in the Reading Mental Wellbeing Group and was successfully awarded funding to develop a community of learning and training programme. The work of the partnership will look to break down the barriers between physical and mental health, under priority 5 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and will be reporting progress into the Reading Mental Wellbeing Group.
The partnership looks to bring together partners from the world of physical activity and those with experience supporting mental health and wellbeing in the community, creating shared learning experiences for partners to learn from each other and from the structured training programme.
The funding for this project runs until the end of March 2023, with the partnership continuing to work together beyond this. This project has been funded by Sport England Together Fund with support from Get Berkshire Active.
Click here to read through PAMH Partnership’s guide! (will open a .pdf in another tab)
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming part of the PAMH Partnership, please email PAMHPartnership@reading.gov.uk