Looking for a challenge? Home-Start Reading are seeking runners for this year’s Reading Half Marathon

Article date
31 January 2022
Primary interest
Funding and Fundraising

Could you run for Home-Start Reading?

Home-Start Reading support local families through difficult times, to help parents give their children the best possible start in life.

Last year six people ran Reading Half Marathon for them, raising just over £2,000. A lot of families are really struggling at the moment, so they would love to raise more through this year’s event on 3 April.

Taking part is free of charge and they will provide you with a branded running vest and details of how to book your place and set up a fundraising page. They would just ask you to try and raise at least £50.

If you’re up for the challenge, please email kathryn@home-start-reading.org.uk.

For more information visit  www.home-start-reading.org.uk/reading-half-marathon.