Land for sale or to let: Bridge Street/Church Road, Caversham

Sam Weightman
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

Caversham, Reading RG4 8AE

The property comprises a triangular shaped parcel of land located at the corner of Bridge Street and Church Road in the heart of Caversham and lies about one mile north of Reading town centre.  The surrounding property is of a mixed retail and commercial character.

It occupies a prominent corner site fronting a very busy three-way junction providing access to Caversham centre, Reading centre (Bridge Street) and the A4074 (Church Road) which leads to Wallingford and Oxford to the north. There is a pedestrian access to the site only.

The site has for many years been occupied by three 48-sheet advertisement hoardings but may have the potential to be used for an alternative use or could be reconfigured to accommodate a multimedia digital sign subject to planning permission.

Written Offers for the property are invited by 12 noon on 16 February 2022 and should state the following:

  • The basis on which the bid is submitted to include the purchase price or lease terms;
  • Amount of deposit payable with an unconditional sale;
  • The name of the purchaser or lessee and funding position and anything else which would assist in determining your position to proceed including reference details in the case of a potential lessee;
  • The extent to which any further due diligence or conditions required to be fulfilled prior to exchange to include any planning proposal if the bid is made subject to planning permission.

Please note the following provision: The successful bidder must cover the Council’s reasonable legal costs and contribute £1,500 towards agency/professional costs.

For further information and details of how to bid please download the property particulars here.

The agent’s online advert for the property is at

All enquiries should be directed to the vendor’s sole agent:

Haslams Surveyors LLP, County House,17 Friar Street, Reading RG1 1DB.