Join us to discuss emerging priorities and how we can work together – 24 March 2021

Rachel Spencer
RVA is hosting a series of workshops for the Reading voluntary sector to explore how we can together support our communities over the next year and beyond. The first workshop is on 24 March from 3.30pm to 5pm.

Join us to hear presentations from partners reflecting on the priorities emerging from the Berkshire West Health and Wellbeing Strategy:

  • Reduce the differences in health between different groups of people.
  • Support vulnerable people to live healthy lives.
  • Help families and young children.
  • Good mental health and wellbeing for all children and young people.
  • Good mental health and wellbeing for all adults.

In break out rooms there will be an opportunity to share the emerging priorities for your organisation and how we can work together to support you:

  • What are the priorities for your members, service users and community?
  • What resources and tools might they need to rebuild their lives?
  • Are there solutions we can create together?
  • How can we make sure everyone is included and can access the support they may need?
  • What resources, volunteers and support might your organisation need to meet growing demand?
Booking information