HSHAZ Cultural Programme Grants – Oxford Road – deadline for stage 1: 10 December 2021, 5pm

Primary interest
Voluntary sector

RBC are looking to work with groups, organisations and communities from the Oxford Road area to discover creative opportunities and develop new projects with local people that celebrates the history and diverse cultures of the area. Projects need to offer local community members the opportunity to take part in creative and cultural activities together that:

  • are inspired by the history of the area and celebrates the diverse cultures of the Oxford Road
  • are co-created with them involving them in the design and delivery of the activities
  • enables them to work with an artist or creative practitioner to co-create work that is meaningful and relevant to them and the local community.

Our definition of creative and cultural activities is broad it can be music, photography, singing, drama, spoken word, creative writing, dance and movement, painting, craft, ceramics, sculpture, film or a mixture of two creative and cultural activities.

How much can you apply for?

Reading’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) can provide a small grant of up to £4,000 to community groups and organisations to set up and run a creative project with the members of their group and/or their  local community.

We can offer support to help community groups and organisations to develop their skills and confidence in developing creative and cultural activities including developing their project idea and getting their project up and running.  This support will be provided by Culture Mix Arts a respected Reading based cultural organisation.  If applicable, we can also link them with an artist or creative practitioner to work with on their project.

How to apply?

There is a two stage application process:

Stage 1 Expression of Interest deadline on Friday 10th December.  We have tried to make the process as accessible as possible, so there are two ways to apply at stage 1: by completing the Expression of Interest Form at the bottom of the call out or by sending in a short video or audio recording of the answers to the questions on the form (no longer than 4 mins).  People can also apply online via the HSHAZ Cultural Programme web page – Cultural programme – Reading Borough Council

More information

Please click here for more information on this opportunity.

Key dates

Key Dates

  • November 2021 – Applications open (Closed)
  • December 10th 5pm – deadline date for submitting Expression of Interest Form
  • Week of 13th December – HSHAZ Cultural Programme Selection Panel meets to review submissions. Successful applicants will be informed and invited to undertake Stage 2 in the week of 20th December.
  • January 2021 – February 2022 – Support available from Culture Mix Arts and the Reading HSHAZ Community Engagement and Cultural Officer for community groups and organisations applying to Stage 2
  • February 2022 – Deadline date for submitting Project Application
  • March 2022 – HSHAZ Cultural Programme Selection Panel meets to select projects and award funding
  • March 2022- Inception meeting with HSHAZ project team
  • April 2022 – Project planning and preparation
  • May 2022 onwards – Project delivery starts.
Further support from RVA

If you would like further support with submitting a funding application or any support with governance required for your group to get ready for this funding, please contact Herjeet at herjeet.randhawa@rva.org.uk