Help us provide a warm Reading welcome to the Tour de Thanks!

Article date
27 May 2021
Primary interest

As part of National Volunteers Week (1-7 June) Paul Reddish, our CEO at Volunteering Matters, is undertaking a 1,000km cycle thank you tour, from Edinburgh to London and many places in between, thanking lots of incredible Covid volunteers of all kinds with some special edition #PinYourThanks pins. We’ve called it the Tour de Thanks.

Paul will be cycling solo from Edinburgh to Nottingham, where he will then collect his dad Paralympian Tim Reddish CBE for a tandem ride for the Nottingham to London stretch. They will visit local volunteering projects to say thank you, highlight their work through social media and local press and also raise money for the causes from donations along the way.

Paul and Tim will be cycling through Reading in the afternoon of Sunday 6 June (the current schedule has an arrival time of around 12.30-1.15pm). We are looking to schedule a stop in Reading of about 15-20 minutes, to deliver some thank you pins to local volunteers and spotlight their incredible work over the past year. You can find out more about the Tour at

Reading Voluntary Action are arranging a delegation to meet Tim and Paul when they arrive in the town. If you would like to come along and welcome them please contact for more information.