With more people struggling to keep on top of their household bills, the cost of living crisis and many government support packages linked to benefits, we wanted to remind you of our Help to Claim service.
We support people to make an initial claim, from the application to their first payment.
This service is available Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm by phone or webchat. We can also set up specific referral routes for other organisations, giving you the confidence that we will contact your client within a couple of days to get their Universal Credit journey started.
If you would like to know more, we’d be very happy to do quick briefing sessions at team meetings, or to discuss how you can help us raise awareness of the service. We have leaflets, posters and even website content ready to go.
To set up a briefing session or a referral route, please contact astrid.aldous@citizensadvicereading.org
Or you can signpost your clients to the service directly by phone 0800 144 8444 or by webchat https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/helptoclaim/