Reading Family Information Service has created a Summer Holiday Activities 2022 page on its website. The page includes links and details of holiday clubs, the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme, sports, drama, music and art courses, Reading Children’s Centres and much more that’s happening in Reading. The information will be regularly updated with events running through the summer. A page of General Holiday Activities is also on the website.
New short breaks guides published
Summer holiday short breaks for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities can be found at: SEND Short Breaks (all ability activities & overnight breaks) | Reading Services Guide
Two new guides about Short Breaks for children and young people with SEND have been published by Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC). We worked with Reading Families’ Forum and Special United on an easy read version of the BFfC Short Breaks Statement for young people and for parent carers. You can find both guides on the Reading SEND Local Offer. We have collated an at-a-glance list of all recently produced SEND guides and resources so they can easily be found. You’ll find it in the SEND section of the BFfC website and it’s regularly being updated with new material.