Please help Get Berskhire Active to understand what the state of play is in the local physical activity and sport sector so that we can develop ways to help all of you through this challenging time.
We are aware that many organisations are finding the effects of the cost of living increases and post covid environment very difficult. We are already supporting the sector through the Together Fund, mainly supporting project work. However we are looking at ways to support organisations to improve their resilience through training and business support, alongside direct funding for organisation survival. Important: this request is not just aimed at sports clubs and physical activity providers but any charity or small organisation that uses physical activity in any way as part of your overall support for clients / residents.
To understand what the needs of the sector are – and how this support should look in order to be the most suitable / helpful to you – we would like you to complete this simple survey please:
The survey is live as of now and needs to be completed by 16th December please. GBA will then develop a range of support offers for the sector and communicate this out to you early in the New Year.
Thank you in advance for your help with this request.