Reducing Parental Conflict Introduction
There is growing evidence that the quality of parental relationships has a strong impact on children’s development. Conflict between parents can be normal. Where this is managed and resolved well, it is known to positively affect children’s development. However, if conflict between parents is ‘frequent, intense and unresolved’, this can have a negative effect on children’s long-term outcomes. We are pleased to be offering this set of sessions, delivered by Communicate for a Change and Parenting Special Children.
1: Introduction sessions
Target Audience: anyone volunteering, working with or coming into contact with parents/carers and/or families in and around Reading area.
- To identify the signs and signals of healthy and unhealthy relationships between parents/carers.
- To understand the difference between conflict that belongs to normal, everyday differences of opinion, and that which is ‘frequent, intense and unresolved’.
- To increase participants’ understanding on the mental, physical and emotional impact on the children and young people’s development as a result of such conflict, as well as on the adults themselves.
- To identify and understand how our responses to difference of opinion and disagreements have been formed.
- To identify issues likely to create strain and tension within adult relationships.
- To add to participants’ awareness and understanding of models, tools and approaches to use with parents and carers in order to increase productive communication between them.
- 11 November 2021, 9:30am – 12:45pm
- 10 January 2022, 9:30am – 12:45pm
- 8 February 2022, 9:30am – 12:45pm
- 3 March 2022, 9:30am – 12:45pm
2: Working with Parents and Carers Sessions
Target Audience: Volunteers or paid staff who work directly with parents/carers and/or families in and around the Reading area. We ask that all participants have completed either one of the Introductory sessions held in 2019 or 2021 or the e-learning before completing this session.
- To reflect on and address participants’ experiences since attending the Introductory training or e-learning learning.
- To clarify the participants’ role when offering support to parents and carers in reducing unproductive conflict.
- To help parents and carers increase their ability to resolve difference of opinion and disagreements productively.
- To deepen participants’ knowledge and skills by practising a variety of models and tools to use when supporting parents and carers.
- To identify participants’ desired ‘Next Steps’ in applying their learning.
- 30 November 2021, 9:30am – 2:45pm
- 19 January 2022, 9:30am – 2:45pm
- 16 March 2022, 9:30am – 2:45pm
Booking details
- The programme is being funded by Department of Work and Pensions and therefore free to participants. However, please note we will charge £75 for non-attendance if you do not cancel within 1 week of the session date.
- All sessions are virtual and will be held on Zoom.
- To book your place(s) please fill in the booking form here.