Employment update: Advice from ACAS on extra bank holiday on 8 May for the coronation

Herjeet Randhawa
Author's position
RVA Advice Service Manager
Article date
27 April 2023
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

ACAS has provided some guidance for employers on how to approach the additional bank holiday on 8 May. You will need to discuss with employees whether the organisation is planning to close and if the employees will receive paid annual leave. This will depend in part on what it says in the employee’s contract of employment, usually in the ‘annual leave’ clause.

Further support and advice:

  • Read the ACAS guidance here.
  • If you would like free, confidential advice for your organisation, please contact Herjeet Randhawa at RVA at herjeet.randhawa@rva.org.uk or call 0118 937 2273