Introduction – Overview of the funding
The Re-Rooted: Safety and Security for Refugees and Asylum Seekers is a new funding programme provided and administered by Comic Relief.
The programme will invest in organisations that specialise in delivering services and support for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.
Who is eligible to apply?
UK based organisations that currently specialise in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, and meet Comic Relief’s general eligibility criteria.
Funding is available for organisations with an annual income from £250,000 to £10 million.
What are the funder priorities?
This funding call will prioritise organisations that involve people with lived experience of forced migration to the UK.
Proposals should focus on the following:
Services and support for refugees and asylum seekers.
Influencing and advocacy focusing on safer routes and improved outcomes for refugees and asylum seekers.
Or a combination of both.
How much can organisations apply for?
Grants of up to £200,000 are available over 3 – 5 years
What the funding can be used for
Flexible, core funding is designed to support the good work of organisations, and not just projects.
- This could mean core funding of the organisation’s annual budget to continue its good work, or funding to expand the work, or to add something new that amplifies the work or its results.
- As flexible funding, it can be allocated for expenses that are harder to fund, such as salaries of senior management or administration, or ongoing costs that are not covered by other grants.
Please note:
- Flexible, core funding has to be used for an agreed purpose, and in an agreed time period.
- Core funding is not the same as unrestricted funding, which can be put in a bank or investment and spent however desired.
Is there a deadline?
The application deadline is 12 noon on Tuesday 26th March 2024
Find out more/how to apply
Organisations should start with the online eligibility questionnaire to see if they are eligible to apply.
Please read the Application Guidance before completing an application form
Further details can be found on the Comic Relief website.
For further support from RVA with preparing your application or the policies and procedures required for this funding, contact Herjeet Randhawa at