Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust, grants to help the vulnerable

Article date
26 July 2021
Primary interest
Voluntary sector

The Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust (AJCT) gives grants to registered UK based charities working to help those who are vulnerable in society, particularly those supporting socially disadvantaged and disabled people of all ages.

Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. In past years, most grants have ranged from £1,000 to £6,000.

Application criteria
  • Only requests from UK registered charities will be considered.
  • An application should not be made if the charity has received a grant from the AJCT within the past 3 years.
  • The Trust does not give grants to charities supporting research, the promotion of religion, the arts and culture (unless these are engaged in the development of therapies).
  • All charities that have applied online through the web site will automatically receive the outcome of their application after the Spring  or Autumn meeting.
  • The London advisory committee will review applications twice a year.
  • In case your charity fails to be awarded a grant, you may submit another application for the next meeting.
Link to application form