Adviza seeking Delivery Partner for Prince’s Trust team programme

Article date
21 July 2021
Primary interest
Not specified

Adviza is a Delivery Partner for The Prince’s Trust Team programme in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire and has been delivering this Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funded service for young people since 2007.  

The Prince’s Trust Team initiative is a 12-week personal development programme to help unemployed young people aged 16 – 25 years to build confidence, meet new people, acquire new skills and gain a qualification.  The programme runs Monday to Friday for 12 weeks and includes a community project, work placement and a team building residential. As part of the course, we also spend some time developing young people’s interview and CV skills to help them take the next step.

To help support the impact of COVID-19, on young people’s work and learning in particular, we are interested to hear from organisations who wish to work in partnership with us in the Reading area.

We welcome all applicants who work with young people and can demonstrate amongst other strengths:

  • Evidence and experience of engagement with NEET young people
  • Evidence of progression including accredited learning
  • Strong local networks including any community and/or employer links
  • Sound understanding of the local employment needs

We welcome all applicants who actively engage young people, have a sound understanding of the local labour market and especially those who provide specialist intensive support to young people. If you are interested in joining Adviza and our partners to make a difference in these critical times and you operate in Reading then we would love to hear from you. Please complete the Expression of Interest found here, and return by 12pm on Monday 9th August.  Team Leader role description can be found here.

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If you wish to discuss further please call Lee Teideman 077477 60882.