Here you can keep up with the latest from Reading’s 1000+ voluntary organisations and other voluntary sector news from around the area.
Inclusive Training Opportunities at University Museum thanks to ground-breaking programme
4 November 2021The Museum of English Rural Life (The MERL) at the University of Reading is to provide training and mentoring opportunities for deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people, as part of a new initiative that aims to transform the museum sector. The MERL is one of 20 organisations selected to participate in the Curating for Change project by ...
Compass Recovery College – Small Mental Health Grants for Community Groups – Deadline 5pm 3 January 2022
4 November 2021Compass Recovery College is pleased to announce small grants for voluntary groups in Reading, who are embedded in and providing grass roots support to their communities. They are offering 3 grants of £1000 each. The aim of this funding is to support mental health and wellbeing in vulnerable groups in Reading, by enabling local voluntary ...
Blog: developing inclusion at Support U
3 November 2021In this blog, Monique Boucaud shares her experiences of working as the Cultural Engagement Officer for Support U. In 2011, Support U launched a support service that specifically focuses on the inclusion of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) people. In June 2021, Support U were awarded funding with the People’s Health Trust to develop ...
Trustee tools: Improve your knowledge on pension schemes
3 November 2021As part of Trustees’ Week 2021 we are sharing some helpful resources for you to improve your skills on your Board/Committee. The Pensions Regulator has put together free online learning programme, called the Trustee Toolkit, which is designed to help trustees better understand pension schemes. There are 11 learning modules: five core modules aimed at all trustees, ...
Free theatre tickets for young people
2 November 2021RABBLE Theatre, a professional theatre company in Reading, are offering free tickets to their next production of Who Killed Alfred Oliver? to young people under the age of 25. The production runs from 4 to 20 November at Reading Minster in the centre of Reading. Our hope is to offer tickets to teenagers and young people ...
Consultation on Proposed Changes to Reading’s Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme – 2022/23
2 November 2021What is the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme? Reading’s Local Council Tax Reduction (LCTR) Scheme began on 1 April 2013, when the Government abolished the national Council Tax Benefit Scheme. Our scheme helps “working age” people who have a low income, or no income, to pay their Council Tax. Pensioners are protected under separate legislation, and are not ...
Furniture available to collect from Egham
2 November 2021A Good Thing, an organisation set up to help businesses reuse things they no longer need, has been in touch to let us know that there is some furniture available for collection in Egham. A list of all available items can be found here. If anything is of interest, please sign up and request the items ...
DBS Guide for voluntary and community groups – updated with local umbrella body information
28 October 2021We have updated our DBS guide with details of local umbrella body, Barnabus Fellowship of Churches (BFOC) if your organisation prefers the paper-route as opposed to online providers. BFOC are currently working from home due to the pandemic but drop off/collection of forms can be arranged. See this guide at Part 6 – ‘Further Resources’ for ...
Trustees’ Week 1 – 5 November 2021 – Training and events for Trustees
27 October 2021Trustees’ Week offers committees, Boards and charities the opportunity to reflect on the past year and look to the future, especially during current times where there has been so much uncertainty and change. It’s also a moment to pause and thank those who volunteer their time to lead charities. So here’s a BIG thank you ...
Free mental health workshops from Compass Recovery College
27 October 2021Compass Recovery College offers free mental health and wellbeing workshops for everyone. Whether you’re looking to develop your understanding and skills in self-care and wellbeing, you are supporting someone with mental health-related challenges, or you work in mental health services, Compass would love to welcome you. We offer a wide range of workshops that are both ...
Reading SEND Local Offer – Annual Feedback Survey 2021
26 October 2021The Family Information Service/SEND Local Offer need your help! Please could you spare a few minutes to complete our SEND Local Offer Survey, your help is appreciated. Let us know what you like, what you want improved, or just keep as it is! This will help us further improve the information, accessibility, usage and will assist us ...
Take part in Reading Borough Council’s Community Safety Survey 2021
26 October 2021Overview The purpose of this survey is to ask residents their views about crime and disorder and other local issues, to help identify priorities across Reading. The Safer Neighbourhood Forums are required to consult on priorities with a community safety focus every 2 years. Why your views matter This community safety survey is being carried out across Reading to inform ...
RVA’s signature Trustee Training is now available online on 2 November in the evening
19 October 2021We’re holding another online Trustee Training session on 2 November for anyone who is new to the role or would like a refresher. Come and find out about what a trustee role involves, your main areas of legal responsibility and how you carry this out in practice. There’s also the opportunity to network with other trustees. Due ...
Free Reducing Parental Conflict training by Communicate for a Change and Parenting Special Children
19 October 2021Reducing Parental Conflict Introduction There is growing evidence that the quality of parental relationships has a strong impact on children’s development. Conflict between parents can be normal. Where this is managed and resolved well, it is known to positively affect children’s development. However, if conflict between parents is ‘frequent, intense and unresolved’, this can have a ...
Get Online is back at Reading Central Library
19 October 2021Like many other activities, Get Online drop-in sessions had to stop during the Covid-19 pandemic, and we have been steadily working over the summer to reintroduce them in the autumn. The good news is that our popular sessions at Reading Central Library are back! Come and find us on the first floor of the library – we’re ...
Meet Kayleigh Harris, Head of Partnerships and Youth Service for Sport in Mind
18 October 2021Kayleigh Harris was a co-founder of Sport in Mind in 2011 and is now Head of Partnerships and Youth Service. Here she tells us about Sport in Mind’s new weekly sessions for young people and her own varied role. Tell us about Sport in Mind and your role… Sport in Mind is a sport and mental health ...
One Reading Children and Young People’s Partnership Outreach Workers
18 October 2021Earlier on in the year we shared the One Reading Children and Young People’s Partnership Strategy with you. The strategy sets out the partnership’s commitment to providing children, young people and families with the right help, at the right time, in the right place and most importantly as early as possible. Knowing how best to ...
Have your say on the new RBH development
15 October 2021Invitation to get involved in the redevelopment of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. It’s important that our new hospital meets the needs of our staff, patients, visitors and local communities and the best way of making sure that happens is by working alongside everyone to get their ideas. We’re setting up a network of people keen ...
BCF launches voluntary sector survey
14 October 2021Berkshire Community Foundation has just launched a new survey to help find out what’s in store for Berkshire’s voluntary sector and what it needs to focus on. Have your say about what your charity or community group needs and how BCF can best support you. You can also use the survey to identify what needs are ...
Trustees’ Week 2021 – meet other trustees and brush up on your skills
13 October 2021Trustees week is an annual event that takes place all over the country to showcase the great work of trustees in helping charities to thrive, as well as opportunities for you to get involved or learn more in your role. This year Trustees’ Week will run from 1 to 5 November. You can read about Trustees’ Week ...